Next Wednesday November 22, the Department of Mining Engineering and M. and C. Materials of the UPV-EHU will hold in Bilbao the “VII UPV / EHU Mining Forum”, of which we enclose the information brochure [Pdf, 1 Mb].
The Mining Authorities of 6 Autonomous Communities participate in the Forum (and in its subsequent meeting): País Vasco, Navarra, Cantabria, Castilla y León (Burgos), Asturias and La Rioja.
Registration is free and limited places, being necessary prior registration by email or by phone: 629 723 833.
A certificate of attendance will be issued, counting as 0.5 free elective credits.
The program is as follows:
9.30-9.50: Reception of assistants.
9.50-10.00: Welcome.
D. Patxi Juaristi Larrinaga. Vice-rector of the Bizkaia Campus. UPV / EHU.
Dª Cristina Avilés González. Director of the Mining Forum. Professor of the Dept. of Mining Engineering and M.C.M. UPV / EHU.
10.00-10.30: “Strategic planning in mining operations. Fundamentals and applications. ”
D. Carlos López Jimeno. Professor of the E.T.S.I. of Mines and Energy of Madrid (UPM).
10.30-10.50: “Simplified Model of the Annual Work Plan for Mining Activities in the Autonomous Community of Navarra.”
D. Fernando Señas Bea. Head of the Mining Section. Government of Navarre.
10.50-11.20: “Contribution of hydrocarbons to the development of humanity.”
D. Juan García Portero. Exploration Manager Hydrocarbons Society of Euskadi (SHESA). EVE Group.
11.20 -11.50: Pause.
11.50-12.10: “Judicial control of Environmental Impact Statements of mining projects.”
D. Ignacio García Matos. García Matos administrative lawyers.
12.10-12.30: “The Spanish Technological Platform of CO2. Technologies for clean coal. ”
Dª Rosa Alonso López. Technical secretary of the Spanish Technological Platform of CO2.
12.30-13.00: “Diagnosis of the mining sector in Asturias.”
Dª Belarmina Díaz Aguado. General Director of Mining and Energy. Government of the Principality of Asturias.
13.00-13.30: “Current situation of open-pit mining in Catalonia.”
D. Joan Carles Tarrasón Pérez. Head of the Mining Security Service. Generalitat of Catalunya.
13.30-13.45: Colloquium.
13.45: Closure of the “VII UPV / EHU Mining Forum”.